Wednesday, August 8, 2012


       I've only known Erika for a few short months, but after spending a month with her in Kenya, she has quickly become one of my closest friends. Erika is just the coolest. She's the only person I know who has an ocarina and can play it. She's the only person who has taken contacts directly of their eyes and rubbed them on my face. She's always laughing, but can have a serious conversation at a moment's notice. Erika is full of JOY. She recognizes her brokenness and her life is an expression of thankfulness for Jesus' redemption. She's been radically changed, and Jesus is continuing to use her to change people. Erika is SO teachable, full of compassion, and the most fun and refreshing person to be around. I LOVE this lady, and I'm so glad you get to step inside her mind.
            Anger, hatred, misery, depression and resentment were just a few of the many strong emotions I was hiding under my mask of indifference and passiveness. I lived every moment spontaneously; recklessly burning my way through life, not even knowing how broken I was. Any money that I had I spent on drugs or alcohol, desperately searching for relief; for an escape from the treacherous pain I had bottled within me. I would do anything for that temporary escape from reality. My parents’ divorce had caused tremendous amounts of pain and brokenness in my life, and my relationship with my mom was nearly nonexistent. My friends had become my family since things were so dysfunctional at home, and I lived off of the shallow relationships that I had with them. I was buried deep within this pit of darkness just two and a half years ago, until a magnificent Savior came to my rescue and turned my life upside-down.

It was late February in Fayetteville, Arkansas, and things had never been worse. I cringed at the thought of returning home, so I spent almost every night of the week at different friends’ houses. I couldn’t stand to be at school while I was sober, so I skipped at least one class every day, which of course had me nearly failing the eleventh grade. One evening, my mother was insisting that I come home and that I was grounded. I wouldn’t tell her where I was and I refused to come home. I called my dad to inform him of my side of the story so that he wouldn’t hear my mom’s side of the story first. He could sense that something was terribly wrong, so he demanded to know where I was so that he could come get me and bring me to his house in Bentonville, Arkansas to stay with him, my step-mother and two siblings for the night. He explained that I didn’t even have to go to school the next day, but that we needed to sort things out. So on the long drive from Fayetteville to Bentonville, I told my dad a censored and extremely mild version of what had been going on in my life. My dad went to Fayetteville High that week and talked to my counselor and the school resource officers. He then found out about the kind of trouble I had been getting into, and the kind of crowd I was hanging around with. Knowing that if I had one more absence I would fail my junior year, he pulled me out of Fayetteville and enrolled me at Bentonville High School.

I was living; literally walking through, my worst and most horrific nightmare on the first day I spent at BHS. Not only were all my best friends that I’d had since elementary school thirty minutes away, but I barely knew two people in the entire school of 3,600 students. I felt betrayed, mistreated and like an alien from a planet that was light years away. My despair was overwhelming, yet still; I tucked it away, hiding my true feelings from everyone else. For the first two weeks at my dad’s house, everything was normal. But one night, my dad read the text messages on my phone and found out just how far down a dark path I had already gone, and how deeply lost I was. From that point on, I had no phone, no Facebook, no MySpace (ha), no email, no contact whatsoever with the friends from my past.

Before I became that person that is so unrecognizable to me now, I had a faint relationship with God up until my ninth grade year, when things started to fall apart. But God never left me. God never forgot about me. God had never once stopped trying to win my heart over. I had ignored Him for such a long time, so God finally picked me up by the neck and shook me until I listened. He stripped me of every single thing that had meaning to me, begging me to choose Him. My father had heard of a program called Celebrate Recovery at our church, and he knew that there was a program for hurting teens called the Landing. He took me there on the Friday after he had taken away nearly every freedom I had.

The Landing has been the outlet that God used to transform me. I remember my first night there so clearly; during worship I was trying to sing the words, but as I sang, God tugged at my heart harder and harder. Finally, I didn’t have the strength to hold in my cries anymore. I let out all the pain and hurt that I had bottled up, and God took it all, freeing me, relieving me of the weight that had crushed down on my shoulders for so many years. In that moment, God revived me, for I had been the living dead for so long. That night was my breaking point, the time at which I finally turned to God for comfort and healing rather than drugs or alcohol. I ran to God, and He was waiting there for me, His arms wide open and His loving heart ready to pour into my cold and empty heart. I walked out of the Landing that night with a smile across my face. I felt joy; true, real and marvelous joy, for the first time in my life.

Fast-forward two and a half years and you see a completely transformed human being. You would not recognize me now if you saw who I was just a few years ago. Back then, I lived as though relationship with Jesus was some fairytale to hope for but never attained. How wrong I was. Jesus is REAL. He is ALIVE and with me every second, always pursuing and chasing after me. He freely offers me His true and abundant life of fulfillment and joy. Because of the Holy Spirit living inside me, I have constant and eternal access to the God of the universe. Jesus freely offers me intimacy with Him. He requires me to do nothing but seek Him; to know, believe and walk in His truth; to walk with Him. He chose to reveal this to me! And He didn’t choose to reveal this to me because I’m a “good person,” He chose to save me and show this to me when I was in the depth of my sin.

...ME! Two years ago, He chose to reveal these beautiful things to ME! The selfish druggie/alcoholic that did nothing but wreak havoc any place she went. God does not pick His favorites. And he most definitely does not choose (in the world’s eyes) the strongest, smartest, most popular or most beautiful. He chooses (in the world’s eyes) the weakest, the below average, the smallest, most pitiful and most lost. I am the prime example of this. Why? Because in my weakness, He is MADE STRONG! His greatness, His beauty and His love is glorified in my life because I was so lost in darkness, and now His light beams and pours out from my life!

God has renewed my life and changed my heart in every way. He has healed me (and is continually healing me) from so many wounds and He teaches me something new every day. I passed my junior year and graduated from Bentonville High School with good grades, and I am now a sophomore in college. God has blessed me with so many new and wonderful friends and I now have remarkable relationships with my family members. The road has not been easy, and sometimes I still feel like my world is crumbling. But because of what Jesus has done for me, I experience His abundant life every day! And God is always there; ready to catch and embrace me with loving arms when I’m hurting. I simply cannot express in words how very grateful I am for the miraculous work that God has done in me and in my life. ‘Grateful’ seems like such a puny word in the scope of His glory. He has redeemed me from the horrible life that I lived! But I am no more deserving of His love now than I was two years ago. Despite my utter weakness, and despite the mistakes I make every day, He still pours over me His grace, His love, His mercy, His joy and peace. Even in the darkest of times, I never lose hope because of my Savior. I have no fear of death and no guilt in life because His grace covers me no matter what. These are Biblical truths that He has revealed to me over the past few years, and walking in them has given me the greatest freedom I have ever known. Because He died on the Cross to pay the debt that I could never pay, I am free forever, and I get to experience Him in all His fullness every day!

Oh how marvelous He is! The only proper and appropriate response to the marvelous majesty and magnificence of God is to offer my life back up to Him, so that He may be glorified through it! When I look at myself and my life, I can so clearly see the glorious fingerprints of God. I can cheerfully say that my life is forever changed, and it will never be the same!

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