Saturday, July 14, 2012

I Hate Blogging.

It’s probably a weird thing to read this as a title to a blog. This is simply a personal feeling. I have friends who have brilliant blogs. I have friends who have encouraged me to blog. The main problem I have with blogging is that I feel like I personally cannot get to a place where I don’t feel selfish about blogging. My heart has never been in the right place. For a lot of people, it’s an outlet. For me, journaling is an outlet. For a lot of people, they have really profound things to say about the Lord that impact the people around them. For me, I like to internally process things before I share them with people that I love and trust. For a lot of people, they have really great taste and people look to them for the latest and greatest in media, style, and music. For me, I just don’t feel like I have that kind of influence on people.
So why am I doing this blog?
Because I love people. And I love their stories. And I love how their stories have impacted me and the people around me. If I could spend the rest of my life traveling around the world and asking people their stories, I would absolutely drop everything and do it. (Actually, I’m praying that is what the Lord has for me later in my life.) I recently read the book that I Am Second has published. It’s just filled with people’s stories. Why? Because these stories have power. One person has more power than they ever know by simply opening their mouth, becoming vulnerable, and telling people how Jesus has radically changed their life.
For the longest time, I didn’t think I had an important story. I was never deeply depressed, caught up in drugs, or obsessed with boys. I can’t even recall a time I didn’t know Jesus. But that absolutely does NOT discredit the amazing things that God has done in my life or take away from the fact that Jesus is the reason I’m alive and can die to my disgusting flesh on a daily basis.
So I’ve created this blog yes, for myself, but mostly so that other people can see that their story is important. That their life carries weight. That brokenness, honesty, and vulnerability are things to be admired. And they’re beautiful. Jesus is GLORIFIED through us when we give Him credit for what He's done!
Each person whose story you'll read is someone who has changed my life by the way they live. And the only reason they live this way is because of Jesus. I’d also love to encourage that person and let you know how they’ve drawn me closer to Jesus. I’m praying these people encourage you to live vibrantly.

This hopefully will be the most you will hear from me.

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